Apr 16, 2021
5 Questions Segment
Q1. We know that the most successful and happy people have a morning routine, what do you do each morning or evening that sets your day up for success? I’m a night owl, so I rely on an evening routine. I make a personal and professional list. We are mindful of people’s time and stick to a schedule. I don’t multitask. I practice ‘just this and then’ so I bring my full self to each project. I also give myself some time and space in areas where I need it.
Q2. What's your definition of Success? For me, mindfulness is the key to success for me. Someone once shared with me there are three versions of life, the almost, the most and the utmost so I’m always striving for the utmost life. Live in the accomplishments vs. surviving the hours.
Q3. What's your definition of Happiness? Happiness is helping people find that spark inside of them.
Q4. What do you know now that you wish you would have known 10 years ago? For my personal life I would say that I’m the only person who sets the limits on my life. In my business, I would say that emotional decisions make you weak. There’s a certain level that needs to be involved but it can’t govern decision making.
Q5. What do you think is the biggest issue facing busy professionals today? You are either making decisions that are building or destroying.
Connect with Jessica at https://jessicamead.com/ or on Instagram @_jessicamead_
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