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Beyond The Stethoscope

Jun 29, 2021

Favorite quotes of the episode: 

“Life is like seasons, you are going to have some ups and downs.”

“A setback is a comeback.”

“Tough Times don’t last, but Tough People do.”

“You must learn how to be the referee in your life, you need to know when to take a time out.”

“The fear comes when you really...

Jun 18, 2021

Episode Overview

In this episode, I talk with Dr. Stephen Beeson to talk about the importance of having a purpose-driven career. As a successful family medicine physician, medical group leader, and physician coach, Dr. Stephen Beeson’s career has pioneered an approach to both the patient and clinician experience...

Jun 15, 2021

Favorite quotes of the episode: 

“Coaching was driving measurable outcomes, not only for patients but also helping clinicians.”

“The average interruption time for clinicians is 11 seconds.  It’s been studied 7 times and every time it’s studied, we interrupt [patients] quicker. Only 10% of the time we do a...

Jun 1, 2021

Favorite quotes of the episode: 

“There’s also a mindset component to finding a job.”

“People do business with people they know, like, and trust.”

“There are 3 main parts to a soundbite; first, what is the solution you provide, how can you provide value to the company in a way that is unique to...